Travel Security Strategies LATAM as a subsidiary of Siete24 Seguridady Tecnologia in Colombia, benefits from all the certifications of Siete24 as a security company that guarantees high quality standards. This allows us to achieve and maintain uniformity of criteria focused on continuous improvement and innovation. Also helps us to comply with requirements, needs, expectations and continuous improvement and optimization of our process and competitiveness in the security market.

Focuses in all elements for administration of resources to improve management and quality of our services.

To identify and manage internal environmental risks, during development of our activities.

To establish the minimum requirements for best practices for the process of security and health at work, to control risks and improve performance.

Focused in improving our environmental process, industrial security and occupational health, and so to achieve worldwide operational profitability.

Allows us to control risks and improve performance.

Implementation of a process and security system, to improve security standards so that merchandise is not contaminated avoiding any illicit activity.

Siete24 is one of the two companies who have this membership. We operate under the promise of this code that as a company we offer responsible services of private security with service quality and protecting our client’s interests.

This membership helps us to carry out business in accordance with the foreign corrupt practices law of the United States and the bribery law of the United Kingdom.